Jun 12
weekend happenings 6.12.15
Guys. We need to talk about the heat.
It isĀ offensively hot. Here is all we want to do, in no particular order: eat ice cream. Embrace AC. Sip on frosty drinks. Find a pool. Submerge ourselves in it.
We recognize that many of you may be a little more motivated. Some of you crazy people may even love this weather. Whatever floats your boat (oh, add “being on a boat” to our above list of activities.)
SO, for those of you who want to get out and about and do things this weekend, here’s what’s going on at Mosaic:
- Lather has an in-store “happy hour” – pampering and wine? Yeahhhhh buddy.
- Films in the Park is back! Catch last week’s movie? No worries, because this one is the best. MIRACLE is tonight at 7.
- Kick off your morning right – hit up Cartoons & Coffee.
- It’s Ah Love Oil’s anniversary! Big sale. Big fun.
- Yep, Father’s Day is riiiiight around the corner. Luckily for us, Last Call Studio has a special event on Saturday to help you prepare.
- Yoga and beer? Oh yeah. It’s Spark Yoga’s “handstands and hops!” class. Living our best life.
- But that’s not the only yoga fun happening – don’t miss morning flow, free at 9a.m. in Strawberry Park!
- Work up an appetite with all that yoga? Boom. Head to the Farmer’s Market.
Glass Alley